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Students Love Learning in Different Kinds of Classrooms

TGFT provides a variety of workshops for our students to collaborate as a team and become well-rounded leaders.

Rick Harriman, one of the leaders of BELA, gives an inspiring pep talk.

In January TGFT students participated at BELA- Babson Entrepreneurship Leadership Academy -with 100 high school students and twelve professors from Babson College. Three TGFT students were selected as teacher assistants helping to translate and encouraging students to speak up. Each group of students discussed ideas for starting up small businesses to generate income in their communities with a practical business plan. Ideas ranged from starting a vegetable garden, a bee farm, poultry farm, waste management and recycling bottles.

TGFT students brainstormed their best ideas, used drills, hammers, saws and designed prototypes for tools at TWENDE’s workshop.

They built maize hullers, a water tap and chapatti boards (chapatti, a soft fried flatbread, which is one of our favorite dinners!)

Parents Day at The Girls Center is full of activities for students and their parents/guardians when parents can see ‘education in action’. Students gave presentations on what they learned about sexuality education and why they felt it important to volunteer to be tested for HIV. Parents encouraged their daughters to continue to focus on their studies at school: they also agreed to support their daughters’ education by providing for their daughters’ personal pocket money at school.

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