The Girls Foundation of Tanzania

Age: 22
Birthday: November 30, 1999
Home: Njiro
School: Bugando Medical University, Nursing, 2nd year
Elizabeth is very talkative and a friend to everyone. Amiable and witty, she can often be found joking with everyone. However, when she needs to be serious, she has an admirable amount of focus. She has the curious intelligence and vibrant personality to become a competent and caring nurse. She is the first in her family to graduate from high school and to attend university.
Elizabeth learned many valuable nursing skills during her internship at Total Care Health Clinic in September 2021. She practiced making hospital beds, taking patients’ vital signs, diluting medicine for patients’ shots, sterilizing equipment for procedures. During this hands-on learning experience, Eliza noted, “I also got the chance of interacting and speaking to the nurses and I was given different advice from them.”
During the pandemic Bugando Medical University has been very strict about enforcing COVID-19 protocols and guidelines. Elizabeth is learning the efficacy of vaccines, the value of her skills and the rewards of being part of a team.